Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Diet Pills Don't Work: Learn About "The Switch"

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As beings who always concerns more about what they eat and how it did to their body, women usually take the easy route to be thin.One of these route is by consuming diet pills to burn off the fat in their body. They try many kinds of products from numbers of brands, but their weight won't go down. In this post I will tell you why they don't work.

Imagine that your body is a machine, with a switch on it that only has two functions: STORE FAT and BURN FAT. When you're fat, it's clear that the switch is on the STORE FAT function, and the only way to get thin is to turn it into BURN FAT function.

It's fairly simple to switch your body function into BURN FAT. There are two things that you must do: diet, and workout.

In my previous post, I already told you about the right way to plan your diet, by eating more protein and less carbs. Unfortunately, most people - especially Indonesian and Malaysian - do the opposite. When they eat, usually they eat more rice than side dishes. This is wrong.

Once again, IT IS WRONG. Eat more proteins. Beef, chicken meat, or fish won't get you fat! What makes you fat are all the sauce and the dressings in the dish. You can anticipate it by not getting so much sauce in your plate.

Workout is basically doing some activities to work your body out (well, duh.). To fasten up the result, lift some weights. Women usually don't want to lift some weight, and I will definitely post about this later.

Back to the matter at hand, why don't diet pills work the way they suppose to?

You have to understand first that what those pills do are to 'help' and 'fasten' your effort to burn the fat in your body. Pay attention to the 'help' part. When the pills are helping you, it assumes that your switch is on the BURN FAT mode, which then will be fastened by those fat burner pills.

However, most people only want the instant results, consuming diet pills without minding 'the switch'. So make sure you understand about this before you consume the diet pills.

Same thing happens to those who does liposuction or some other things to lose the fat. These people are usually desperate enough to do those things. No offense, but this is the sad truth. They don't understand about 'the switch' in their body. When they got out of the slimming clinic, they're happy with the results, but in 3 to 4 months, they will gain weight, usually more than they originally weigh.

Still thinking about choosing the easy route? Think again.


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