Friday, April 13, 2012

I Heart Coffee? Think Again

Well I don't like coffee that much, actually. But my mum is a coffee drinker, and I know some people who actually survive on the coffee that they drink every morning. Anyway, before this post turn into some kind of rambling about some people in my life who loves coffee, then I should start by stating that people who drinks coffee in huge sum but doesn't have a healthy diet tend to suffer on heart arrhythmia (commonly known as heart disease).
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Some Italian researchers surveyed their patients who recently diagnosed with heart arrhythmia to know their eating habits, including caffeine intake. Their eating pattern then compared with people who does not suffer on heart arrhythmia. They announced the results on annual meeting of European Society of Cardiology in Barcelona.

In that research, daily coffee consumption was divided into 4 categories: low (1 cup/day), average (2-3 cups/day), high (more than 3 cups/day), and no consumption at all. The patients are also categorized based on their adherence to Mediterranean diet, which is rich on whole-wheat, olive oil, fruits and vegetables, but low on red meats.

Based on this research, people who suffers on heart arrhythmia does not adhere to the Mediterranean diet, compare to those who does not suffer on heart arrhythmia. Patients suffering heart arrhythmia also consumes more red meats and high-fat milk.

What's interesting is that patients with arrhythmia consume more antioxidants from coffee than other foods such as fruits, vegetables, and wine, as the researchers said.

Die-hard coffee drinker also prone to heart arrhythmia than those who drink less coffee. In heart arrhythmia, both heart atrium vibrates in an abnormal manner, which caused heart palpitations (poundings), asphyxiate, fatigue, and higher risk of stroke.

In conclusion, it's better to balance out your coffee consumption with healthy foods and drinks. I'll definitely post about the goodness of coffee in the future :)


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