Friday, March 30, 2012

Eat Less to Lose Weight? Riiiight.

The first tip that I'm going to give out is a weight loss tip. I'm currently in Malaysia right now, and there's not a lot of overweight people here. But still, most people think that there's always some parts in their body that are not slim enough, not sexy enough, and so on.

Usually, people gain weight because either they eat too much or not active enough, but either way, their exercise is not enough to burn the calories.

From this understanding, almost everybody think that to lose weight, they have to eat less. This is why most people on diet eat less than three times a day. Most of them even hold back, and get as hungry as they can be to lose weight.

image credit to

But what do they get? They don't lose that much weight, and even if they do, in a few weeks or months, they weigh more than their "original" weight. They even say that they don't eat, and they don't feel hungry. This is because their metabolism has slowed down, and their calories burn slowly.

So here's my first tip: if you want to lose weight, NEVER eat less than three times a day!

If you want to lose weight, eat five or six times a day, with less portions. Three meals a day, with two or three snacks in between.

In my next post, I will give you an example of eating six times a day. The key is to eat less calories, but more frequent, to activate the metabolism in your body.


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