Saturday, March 31, 2012

3 Habits to Improve Your Health!

Many people think that their work is keeping them from being healthy. In reality, it doesn't matter how many work you have to finish, as long as you have the intention to be healthy, you will still try to achieve it.

I'm gonna give you three habits, that may be simple, but can improve your fitness!

1. Less sitting!
Research shows that sitting around too much will lead you to many dangerous diseases: obesity, cardiovascular diseases, even cancer. Dr. James Levine, a doctor in Rochester's Mayo Clinic said that the disease you get from sitting too long is the same as the side effects you get from smoking!

To keep you from those diseases, do simple exercises like squat, lunge, and other kinds of stretching in between your activities. You can also do some other activities such as taking the stairs instead of the elevators, cycling to school or to work, even parking your vehicle a bit further so that you get more chances to walk.

2. Help Others!
This might sound silly and hard to believe, but it does keep you healthy! Research indicates that if you help others more often, it will prevent you from psychological disorder (such as depression). Generally, people who help others more often will focus more on problems of others instead of their own, thus make them feel better than the others.

This habit will also develop affection, which will keep you from getting angry, stressed, or even upped your blood pressure!

3. Don't Get Too Attached to Your Cellphone!
Image credit to

A study indicates that a person's stress level can increase from checking their cellphone or other gadgets to check on their messages too often. This habit can keep you from doing other more important things, screws up your mood, and stress you up.

To overcome this, give yourself one day rest from things that makes you get attached to your phone. Try socializing directly to your friends, because this can help you express your emotions freely. Turn off your phone, or activate the silent mode before you go to sleep.

Dunia Fitnes, 2012. Biasakan Diri Melakukan 3 Hal Ini dan Anda Akan Lebih Sehat, [online]. In:

Eat More to Lose More. Y U No Understand??

Some people still find it hard to believe that by eating more than 2 or 3 times a day, it can help them lose weight. They still don't understand why by not eating only makes it harder for them to lose weight.

I'm gonna make it easier to understand. Imagine you're working, and you're earning more than you need. So you save it, in case of emergency. Suddenly, you got fired, and got no income.

My question is this: when you got no income, will you use your savings carefully, or start an extravagant life?

This is what I call a survival mode. You know what will happen when you got no income and no savings, right?

The same things happens within your body. When you don't eat, your body will not get the energy it needs, and to survive, it will slow the fat burning process so that it won't run out of "fuel".

When you don't eat frequently, you will not get hungry easily. This is when your body starts to slow down the fat-burning process.

So, if you want to lose weight, start eating more frequently, folks. Try it, and you'll see why ;)

Meal Plan to Lose Weight

In the last post, I posted that in to lose weight, we should eat more frequently. Less portions and more frequent will make your metabolism more active, thus it burns your fat.

Here's an example of an ideal meal plan to lose weight:

Breakfast (07.00)
1 Omelette or boiled egg
2 slices of whole-grain bread / 1 cup of oatmeal

Morning Snack (10.00)
1 apple / orange / pear

Lunch (13.00)
1 ounce of chicken breast / fish / beef
1 cup of brown rice
1 cup of vegetables

Afternoon Snack (16.00)
1 slice of whole-grain bread / 1/2 cup of oatmeal
1 slice of roasted fish / beef

Dinner (19.00)
1 ounce of chicken breast / fish / beef
1 cup of vegetables

Evening Snack / Before Sleeping (21.00)
High-Protein low fat and low sugar milk

I need to say that the menu above is an "ideal" menu. What you have to see from that menu is that you don't have to eat less fish, chicken, and beef. The protein in chicken, fish, and beef WILL NOT make you fat. What makes you fat is your over-consumption of sugar and carbs.

You have to consider that you also don't have to follow the time to eat. Those menu is just an example after all, and every person has different kind of activities :)

But the most important thing to remember is this: by eating more frequently, then your body will actively digest your food. This digesting process will activate your metabolism.

"Well I'm not hungry. Why do I have to eat?"

Not feeling hungry is the sign that your metabolism is slow, my friend. We have to change it, fasten it, so that you can burn more fat.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Eat Less to Lose Weight? Riiiight.

The first tip that I'm going to give out is a weight loss tip. I'm currently in Malaysia right now, and there's not a lot of overweight people here. But still, most people think that there's always some parts in their body that are not slim enough, not sexy enough, and so on.

Usually, people gain weight because either they eat too much or not active enough, but either way, their exercise is not enough to burn the calories.

From this understanding, almost everybody think that to lose weight, they have to eat less. This is why most people on diet eat less than three times a day. Most of them even hold back, and get as hungry as they can be to lose weight.

image credit to

But what do they get? They don't lose that much weight, and even if they do, in a few weeks or months, they weigh more than their "original" weight. They even say that they don't eat, and they don't feel hungry. This is because their metabolism has slowed down, and their calories burn slowly.

So here's my first tip: if you want to lose weight, NEVER eat less than three times a day!

If you want to lose weight, eat five or six times a day, with less portions. Three meals a day, with two or three snacks in between.

In my next post, I will give you an example of eating six times a day. The key is to eat less calories, but more frequent, to activate the metabolism in your body.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Post: Welcome!

Welcome everyone to Healthy is Easy :D

Everyday, we know there's always someone whining about their health. They feel that they're too fat, too thin, or just keep getting sick. It seems like there's always something wrong with the way we live our lives in terms of keeping our health.

Those days are over. In this blog I'm going to post some tips to make you healthy, and also some easy workout tips that will surely work.

I'm also open to any questions about any health and workouts. Just send your question to my e-mail, and I will answer it to the best of my ability :)

Once again, welcome to Healthy is Easy. Because it's actually easy to be healthy.